Monday, December 31, 2007

The Wenatchee Valley

This is Christmas Eve from the top of Mission Ridge. I woke up to a bright clear day and headed out the door for a nice Christmas Eve of skiing. Enjoy the view and there is an open invitation to join me next year. I honestly forgot how close Mission Ridge was to home (less than 15 miles). Conditions were good at the Ridge with new snow on the 22nd and on the 23rd. Sorry no action photos as I was flying solo both days. I was planning on making a trip down Squilchuck on the way home to take a picture of where Peter and I attempted to end the senior year of basketball early on the three ski sleds (reliving our big wheel days) but only succeeded in straining a knee. However the camera ran out of batteries so that will have to wait till next time.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Royal Copenhagen HQ
Window Display at the HQ.
Royal Copenhagen stuff is advertised all over and sold at a lot of stores. It is EXPENSIVE! If you'd like to know how much the wares above cost then divide the number by 5. The weak dollar makes most things pretty costly. For example, if the dollar was twice as strong as it is now then the large plate would only be about $600.00. :)
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Will in Danish

Will is singing a song here that he learned in Nusery. It is about who created the birds (Heavenly Father) the flowers (Heavenly Father) and You and Me (Heavenly Father). Amazing how quickly kids pick up on another language!

Friday, December 14, 2007

My little gift to everyone

I am going to pick up some see's candy to bring home but I thought you all would like to have a say on what I should bring. A list of the Candies you can choose from along with their specific spellings will be found here Please post what your favorites are, and even if you see your favorite mentioned by someone else please re affirm that you want some. The amount I get will be determined by your responses. I look forward to seeing you all this Christmas.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Doing the Dance of Joy

It's official: my thesis is DONE DONE DONE!! (as our grad secretary put it) Hurrah!