Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Rob

Gorgeous from the minute he entered the world!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy 11th Birthday to Nathan!!!

Best Wishes and Congratulations to our wonderful oldest son.

I love Nathan because he is:

  • kNowledgeable - Nathan is a great reader and is very smart.

  • Always doing his best (in school, work, and friendships)

  • Tough - he does things that are difficult and tough without complaining.

  • Handsome - Nathan is good looking but never lets it go to his head

  • Athletic - he is doing spectacularly in Lacrosse by practicing every day

  • iNventive - Nathan is creative and has a great mind. He is fun to play with and is a great friend.

Happy Birthday Nathan! Mom and I love you very much.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pictures up FINALLY!

Thanks to John I got busy and hung the pictures with great help from the Casa staff.

Truth be known I indicated where and what height and the Casa staff person did the rest.

This first picture is one end of the living room.

This is the pen and ink picture we received from my Mom and Paul. Mom and I always treasured it since it was our first piece of real art.

These are pictures in the corner of the living room going into the kitchen.

These are the pictures opposite the conversation area. These picture also came compliments of my Mom and Paul. The one on the right was painted on a piece of plywood and was a bone of contention between Mom and me. She hated it and I loved it.

This picture is from Kauai coastline and is on the wall at the entrance to the kitchen from the dining area.

This picture was one of Mom's favorites. We acquired it after a visit to the renuncula (spelling) fields in Del Mar.

This as you can see is my bedroom computer center. The painting is by a University of Hawaii student of a house in Waikele valley on Oahu. The two to the right are a picture of my brother Burke and his wings and dog tags.

This is the group of paintings in the dining area. Burke painted the two on either side of the scene from Maui.

I hope that you can come visit sometime to see my new apartment and to provide great pleasure to me.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dear Anna!

This is a picture of Anna and Don. (Don didn't turn out so good so I had to crop him out.) We were at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake. This was at the Yert restaurant. We had to cross country ski to get there. Good Times! And more good times to come!!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Pics of New Digs

I don't know how to get out of the under line, but here are pictures of my new apartment so on with the show.
This the west side of the living room with Mom's breakfront in the foreground. Mom's cedar chest wouldn't fit in the bedroom so it was placed here .The lanai is just beyond the television and faces north.

This is the living room conversation area. You can see the carpet that we bought so many years ago that both of us loved so much.

This the dining room and just a smidgen of the kitchen. The kitchen is very, very small, but meets all my needs .

This the computer set-up in the bedroom. You can see one of the pictures of Mom on the screen saver while she was in the Health Center early last year.

This is Mom's dresser and mirror making a very tight fit with the queen size bed, You can see the corner of my dresser to the left. The stuff on the bed is print outs of our trusts.

I recognize my limitations as a photographer, I'm all you have. My love and prayers are with you all.