Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween Photo

Left to Right (Princess Katie, Thomas the Train, and Power-Boy)

Power-Boy's Costumes includes but is not limited to: Parachute Pants, Power Rangers Belt and Sword, Flight Jacket, Superman/Batman Cape (usually showng Batman Insignia), Camouflage Helmet, and Goggles (when available).

Elvis back from the dead?!?

In tribute to our Halloween holiday tomorrow......well, I will explain. About a month and a half ago, when Halloween stuff flooded stores, we took a trip to Fred Meyer. Eve, her roommate Jen, and I got a bit carried away with having Robert try on plastic wigs. :) It was, however, quite entertaining (while waiting for our Olive Garden reservation). I captured the priceless moment on my cell phone. Passers by had some interesting looks which made it even better. I bet you never thought you'd see pink pony tails and a five o'clock shadow in the same headshot.
Anyway, I suppose my sense of humor is making an appearance in this blurp. Lucky me I have a husband that humors me and goes along with my silly requests to put on pink wigs. ;) Thanks Rob!
*Scroll down for more halloween hair-dos (or should I say, hair-don'ts).



Pink Pony

Saturday, October 28, 2006

the list!

Ok guys, here's where I'm applying:

U Penn
UW (go cougs!)
UC Santa Barbara
U Colorado-Boulder
U South Carolina
Indiana Bloomington

Wow! Huzzah!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Last bracket

Ok friends. I need a little more help. I've chosen 7 schools, and I need 2 more. So, which 2 should I choose out of these 4?

UC Santa Barbara
Notre Dame
Carnegie Mellon

I can't decide. And my brain is fried with grad schools (although I'm muy excited!)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

First Bike Ride

Nate and I took bike ride last. We rode from our house to his school's cross walk pass through. It was our first time. He is able to start and stop on his own. Pretty fun! We will post a picture of it later. All we need now is a Cuesta Park in our neighborhood and some Bailen Sweaty-Head Egg Helmets.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Top 13

I've made a list of the grad schools I'm thinking about. I need to eliminate 4. So, where do you guys think I should go?

Here's my list (in order of rankings)

University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University--Bloomington
UC Davis
UC Santa Barbara
Vanderbilt University
University of Southern California
Notre Dame
University of Colorado--Boulder
Carnegie Mellon University
University of South Carolina

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Happy Birthday John!

Feliz Cumpleanos! Bon Anniversaire! Pen-blwydd hapus! Appyhay Irthdaybay! I hope you're having a fantastic day. Thanks for being the best oldest brother! I brag about you to my friends and try to be like you.

I like John because

He has great taste in music and movies
He is a great dresser
He is great at being good to everyone in our family--immediate and extended
He is always interested in other people, and is a great listener.
He makes everyday things fun
He's got the best trivia brain of anyone I know
He's a great sounding board
He's funny and writes great blogs
He gives great book ideas
He's really nice and I like him a lot!

Love you and hope you have a really great birthday!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fight, Fight, Fight for Washington State!

On Saturday, Rob and I made the drive over to Corvallis, Oregon...proudly waving our Rose Bowl flag attached to the car. It's a cute little town. It kind of reminded me of college life in Pullman and made me miss it. Rob got tickets to the OSU vs WSU game. I've never seen so much orange & black in my life! It was fitting seeing as though Halloween is only 23 days away. :) We were sporting our crimson & gray, of course. On our walk from our parking spot to Reser Stadium, we had a brief encounter with some slightly intoxicated people supporting OSU. All I can say is...YIKES......(and GO COUGS)! When Rob and I discovered where our seats were, we had a good laugh. Front row...directly behind the WSU marching band. I wasn't sure about it, but I got into it...Rob almost convinced me to dance along with the rest of the band. HA! That was a close call. The clarinet players had some great dance moves, but I think I'd most be interested in playing one of the drums. The cymbals looks like a cake walk, but I could be wrong. It was great, I loved the music and they really know how to jazz it up. The game, however, was too close, and we didn't play our best, but we managed to pull out the win. As soon as the game ended, the entire WSU team made their appearance alongside the band for the singing of the school fight song. This is what Cougar pride is truly about. I can honestly say it was the best having the band in front of us. Rob and I walked back to our car slightly deaf and talking decibels louder than we normally would, but it was a great evening. If anyone hasn't been to a football game recently, I'd recommend it. :) (it's also a great stress reliever when you're cheering for your team or yelling at the ref!) Here's a pic of the band director man and a few drummers (the man in the white was a staff member filling in on the drums). I actually took this with my cell phone and think it turned out okay. I was impressed with how well the director kept a close watch on when he needed to end the song so he wouldn't interfere with the plays. But if it's OSU, keep on playing!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

It's Been a while

Well, I am sad to say that I have been internetless (rather unexpectedly) for the past few weeks, and lets face it, I am not a regular Blogger. But I have been rather enjoying catching up on all of the family doings this month. For those who don't know, I have moved twice in the last few weeks, from 640 E 500 N to the front of the house, and eventually to 730 E 700 N, so while I haven't moved far, I have moved a lot. The new place I am in is much cleaner and better looking than my previous locations. Firstly it is newly repainted, secondly I am the only person in here:). So after all of the drama of moving I now have internet again, with electricity (also nice) and water (very nice) My landlord is a great lady and they are making me feel wonderfully comfortable. I expect to have more roomates next semester, but until then, wonderful relaxation. Anyways as an apology for not coming on more often I offer this video series from Yahoo... "A Day in the life of The Edge," by Bono.

part 1
part 2
part 3

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Connect this

Ok alert readers (I've been reading Dave Barry) connect these two movies: Rocky III to Return to Me.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Gregory

Gregory had a successful 3rd Birthday today. Here is a picture from the Party.

Horsing Around

Kat and G-Man

I saw that Wendy had captured these two in a true moment.

Skipping Rocks on Lake Washington

Any ideas on teaching this one would be great. This was a beautiful summer day in Seattle. We were meeting Mom and Dad.

Katherina Ballerina

Here are some pictures of the ballerina.

What a beauty!