Thursday, October 05, 2006

It's Been a while

Well, I am sad to say that I have been internetless (rather unexpectedly) for the past few weeks, and lets face it, I am not a regular Blogger. But I have been rather enjoying catching up on all of the family doings this month. For those who don't know, I have moved twice in the last few weeks, from 640 E 500 N to the front of the house, and eventually to 730 E 700 N, so while I haven't moved far, I have moved a lot. The new place I am in is much cleaner and better looking than my previous locations. Firstly it is newly repainted, secondly I am the only person in here:). So after all of the drama of moving I now have internet again, with electricity (also nice) and water (very nice) My landlord is a great lady and they are making me feel wonderfully comfortable. I expect to have more roomates next semester, but until then, wonderful relaxation. Anyways as an apology for not coming on more often I offer this video series from Yahoo... "A Day in the life of The Edge," by Bono.

part 1
part 2
part 3


Anna B said...

Pretty cool videos Joe! I dream about U2 now and again. The other night I dreamt that I was at a U2 concert, but it was conflicting with the class I teach. I was upset and decided that no one could make me leave the concert and that I was just going to have to skip teaching!

Linda Bennion said...

Joe it is so good to hear from you. I could not see the videos. But that is okay. I just like having you in the Blog again. MOM