Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Happy Birthday John!

Feliz Cumpleanos! Bon Anniversaire! Pen-blwydd hapus! Appyhay Irthdaybay! I hope you're having a fantastic day. Thanks for being the best oldest brother! I brag about you to my friends and try to be like you.

I like John because

He has great taste in music and movies
He is a great dresser
He is great at being good to everyone in our family--immediate and extended
He is always interested in other people, and is a great listener.
He makes everyday things fun
He's got the best trivia brain of anyone I know
He's a great sounding board
He's funny and writes great blogs
He gives great book ideas
He's really nice and I like him a lot!

Love you and hope you have a really great birthday!

1 comment:

Linda Bennion said...

I like John because
He is the best oldest child one could ask for
He is fun and funny
He is clever and intelligent
He forwards great WSJ articles to me
He IS the trivia king of the universe
He is the nerve center of our family
He calls often and I feel very involved in his life and I love that
He is interesting and has good ideas
He is married so well
He has produced the cutest children
He wants to learn new things and is willing to open his heart and mind to new ideas and new ways of doing things.
He lives with gusto
He is just amazing and I love him like he loves Nathan and Katie and Greg....MOM