Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fight, Fight, Fight for Washington State!

On Saturday, Rob and I made the drive over to Corvallis, Oregon...proudly waving our Rose Bowl flag attached to the car. It's a cute little town. It kind of reminded me of college life in Pullman and made me miss it. Rob got tickets to the OSU vs WSU game. I've never seen so much orange & black in my life! It was fitting seeing as though Halloween is only 23 days away. :) We were sporting our crimson & gray, of course. On our walk from our parking spot to Reser Stadium, we had a brief encounter with some slightly intoxicated people supporting OSU. All I can say is...YIKES......(and GO COUGS)! When Rob and I discovered where our seats were, we had a good laugh. Front row...directly behind the WSU marching band. I wasn't sure about it, but I got into it...Rob almost convinced me to dance along with the rest of the band. HA! That was a close call. The clarinet players had some great dance moves, but I think I'd most be interested in playing one of the drums. The cymbals looks like a cake walk, but I could be wrong. It was great, I loved the music and they really know how to jazz it up. The game, however, was too close, and we didn't play our best, but we managed to pull out the win. As soon as the game ended, the entire WSU team made their appearance alongside the band for the singing of the school fight song. This is what Cougar pride is truly about. I can honestly say it was the best having the band in front of us. Rob and I walked back to our car slightly deaf and talking decibels louder than we normally would, but it was a great evening. If anyone hasn't been to a football game recently, I'd recommend it. :) (it's also a great stress reliever when you're cheering for your team or yelling at the ref!) Here's a pic of the band director man and a few drummers (the man in the white was a staff member filling in on the drums). I actually took this with my cell phone and think it turned out okay. I was impressed with how well the director kept a close watch on when he needed to end the song so he wouldn't interfere with the plays. But if it's OSU, keep on playing!


Anna B said...

It sounds like you guys had a blast! GO COUGS!

Don and Amy Bennion said...


You've inspired me! I haven't been to a good college football game in quite awhile. Amy and I need to go. The cold weather here is making me nostalgic for those cold fall semester days standing and cheering in the stadium.

Sounds like you guys had a blast. GO COUGS!


Richard Bennion said...

I actually got to listen to part of the game. Wenatchee has only 2 AM English speaking stations. One of them carries the Cougs. Linda and I were getting ready to go into Safeway saturday evening after a lovely romantic dinner together at Taco Bell. The Cougs were at the 1 yard line and instead of the QB sneak they tried a sweep and lost 7 yards. They had to go for a field goal (which hit the upright!!!). Still, they won, which we learned on our way out of the store listening to the post game show with Bill Doba (Coug coach). The Cougs won, the Yankees lost, the Huskies lost, all in all a very nice Saturday!!!

Linda Bennion said...

I just loved hearing of your experience at OSU. It just does my heart good that two great cougar fans and now married to one another! Go Cougs!