Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day Hike at Hoyt Arboretum

I took this shot during our 4 mile hike at Hoyt Arboretum in Forest Park. It is a large forest in the middle of Portland. This was at mile 2 or so.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Skiing on Mt. Hood

Wendy and I spent a spectacular day skiing on Mt. Hood last week. Here is a shot a friend took at the top of the Magic Mile chairlift. Behind us is the Summit and the Palmer chairlift, which was, unfortunately, closed that day. Wendy's lips were numb in this picture and she could not get the full smile out.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Church Basketball

Dave plays Tuesday night at the church and since there were no injuries to take a picture of (this time) I thought I would post a couple of Dave actually playing basketball!

If you focus on the hair he almost looks like Jimmer...

Provo Tabernacle

As many of you know the Provo Tabernacle, built in 1883, burnt (almost) down. We drove by and got a couple pictures. It is where Dave and I took our engagement pictures so I started comparing the two very different sets of pictures.

Here is the Tabernacle two years ago...

Today, the exact same spot...

Friday, February 04, 2011

My Thanks for Your Great Gift

Thank you all for making Grandma's memorial so beautiful. The endearing memories you contributed were so appreciated and your singing was superb. A special thanks to Amy for her beautiful and apropos solo. It was so beautiful, I am sure Rusty heard it from her perch in Heaven. Richard, what would we do without you? You made the service memorable for me and all who have spoken to me here at Casa . I love all you who make up our beautiful, supportive, loving, compassionate family.
