Saturday, July 09, 2011

Happy Birthday Joe B!

**scroll down to post for mom!

Joe is:
*completely generous.
*incredible with computers and great at explaining what he's doing and why he's doing it.
*a great reader with fantastic taste in books.
*a great gift giver.
*fun and funny.
*super intelligent.
*very talented.
*great at many fields--he's a tech guy and an english guy!
*a great cook.
*makes the best chocolate chip cookies EVER.
*loves the family and is great at keeping in touch.
*thinks of what would make other people happy.
*service oriented, hard worker.
*great thinker.

Love you, Joe! Happiest of birthdays!

Friday, July 08, 2011


This is Linda at the age of two.
She was on her way to an unbelievably meaningful life.

This is my darling Linda at age 5. What a great start to a truly inspiring life.

This is Linda a few years ago here at Casa.

Linda exceeded every expectation her Mom and I had for her. She was a success in every endeavor including selecting a fantastic husband with whom she raised six of the most wonderful children. I love Linda for all that she represents. A father and mothers dream come true.