Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Aunt Connie found this precious letter in her file and sent the original to David Meredith and the copy to me. When I opened it yesterday, I was overwhelmed with memories of the cutest little red headed boy in the kindergarten at St Paul's Catholic School in 1981. This is a letter that John dictated to his cousin David Meredith:

January 22, 1981

Dear David,
Can you come to our house after you come home from Switzerland? If you do have a suitcase, you can pack it. If you don't, you can bring a backpack.

If you want to be a policeman, you can come with me to the police station. Bring your standard plain old truck, and your gas man and your batman. I, John, will share with you all my Christmas toys.

Sorry David, I got an Empire Strikes Back book and my friend broke the trap door.

David, I am happy when you come back. I have never seen you before. Tell your Mom to read all of it.

I'm in kindergarten. How old are you? If you're six or five now, I'll be happy - either one.

David, my Mom is going to ask Matthew to come and bring his tie fighter.

In my school picture, I am wearing my uniform. I'll ask my teacher if my cousin, David can come to school. I can teach him all we do. He is new.

And then this masterpiece is signed in the most wonderful scrall across the entire page....John Bennion

The dear thing is that John and Wendy are at this exact time with Nathan. What fun to get a flashback to the way John was at that same age!


Anna B said...

That is a great letter! It reminds me of Katie's letter to Santa. Wow! That's adorable

Wendy and John said...

Who says I can't write a coherent letter?