Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nathan, Katie, and Gregory-isms

Just a few cute quotes from our kids.

Nathan- Background- On the first day of school I tucked a little note into Nathan's lunch box. The next day when I didn't put a note in his lunch, he came home from school and asked me where his note was that day. From then on John or I included a note in his lunchbox every day. The other day, Nathan came home from school and said, "Could you please take a break from the love notes? It's kind of giving me a headache."

Katie- Background- We are using bribery as an attempt to help Katie stop sucking her thumb. She is struggling. Yesterday she said, "I wish this was all just a dream and could all be over."

Another Katie-ism, if you haven't heard it already. Speaking of fudge, "It is darn filthy good."

Gregory- After missing several shots in a row on his Nerf basketball hoop, Gregory said, "I need that cat." When I asked, "What cat?", he responded, "The cat from outer space." (Remember how in that movie tha cat helps the basketball go through the hoop?) Classic.


Anna B said...

So cute! I can't believe how big they're getting, and I can't get enough of hearing about them.

Don and Amy Bennion said...

Oh My Goodness! Why are kids the cutest things ever? I love hearing stories about your makes up just a little bit for not being able to see them all the time!