Friday, March 09, 2007

Anna's Graduate Student "Conference?"

Amy, Will, Burke and I showed up really late for the BYU graduate student conference that Anna put on. We had a prior commitment and couldn't come until the end... we would have *loved* to come earlier but just couldn't. We'll let Anna give the details, but it was a triple grand slam!!! Huge kudos to Anna and her committee!!! Lots of people, good food and evidently the first time that this conference had invited other schools... It seemed like a huge hit! We were proud to be associated with her! We did arrive just in time for the final dinner (convenient). Actually, we arrived right in the middle of the closing speaker but were too shy to go in with our kids. We stood outside and listened for a minute until Amy said, "Can you understand anything he's saying?" I couldn't. We went outside and played with the kids in the courtyard for the new Joseph F. Smith building. Beautiful eh? Amy got a great shot of Will and I horsing around.

Love you!

DA Bennions
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1 comment:

Linda Bennion said...

Fabulous picture...

I know what you mean when you talk about not understanding a word they say. I went to Dr. Wickman's class with Anna and was totally out of it.

Love all of you and love the pictures of Burke....the dimples are amazing! MOM