Thursday, July 08, 2010

Happy Birthday Joe

Happy Birthday Joe B. Hope you have a fabulous day! Picture to come later....


Linda Bennion said...

I love Joe because
he is such a good friend.
he is a hard worker.
he is thoughtful and kind.
he is a fun companion for Top Chef.
he is a fun companion for Burn Notice.
he is smart.
he is my computer guru.
he is patient with me.
he is a boy who thinks outside the box.
he is so good to me and Dad and is a willing genealogist who takes great pleasure in the search.
he is old fashioned in his music and movie taste...he really is eclectic...likes the NEW and the OLD.
he is a devourer of books.
he is brave.
he is willing to change
he is a dear son and I love him so much!

David and Jocelyn Bennion said...

I love Joe because
he is very thoughtful and generous
he is very loyal and a great friend
he goes out of his way to do nice things for others
he is funny and has a quick wit
he is very handsome
he is good at facing a hard task and not getting too fired up about it
he is very kind
he is a great karaoke singer
he is AMAZING with computers
he is very smart and well read
he is fun to watch and analyze movies with
he is a wonderful friend and brother!

I love you Joe! Happy B-day!


Wendy and John said...

I love Joe because:

he is thoughtful

he is kind

he is generous wuth his time,
talents, and resources

he is a great uncle- allowed six kids (Bennions and Taylors) to make a chain and hold onto his back while he pulled them around the lazy river at the Lehi public pool- multiple times :)

he gives great book and movie recommendations

he is fun to hang out with

he is loved by all of us!

Love you, Joe!



John said...

2nd try:

I like Joe because:

He is smart.
He is loyal to the family.
He dresses very well.
He is always willing to jump in and help out.
He put up with me and Rob bushwacking (sp?) Saddle Rock.
He likes technology and knows his stuff.
He has great taste in cologne.
He is handsome.
He is brave.
He is the only football letterman in the RSBs.
He is a hard worker.

Happy Birthday Joe! I hope the next year is a great one.

Robin Burton said...

Happy Birthday Joe,
Though it is late,
My admiration will not abate.
You are a fine young man,
and the world is at your command.
Go for it Joe, I for one am cheering you onward and upwards.
Love you and happy birthday.
Aunt Robin

Don and Amy Bennion said...

I love Joe because:

He is a great gift giver and I am pretty sure he doubled the amount of presents on William's birthday with his contributions (he was even thoughtful enough to get a couple for Burke and Soren)
He is so so good with computers and has helped us more times than I can count
He is always around and up for helping us when we need help
He is smart and figured our sprinkler automatic system out very quickly, without our having to ask him
He is thoughtful
He is very well read
He is easy going
He is fun to have around, and I am glad he is close to us in Utah.

Happy Belated Birthday Joe!
