Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Here are some things I know and have learned because of Dad:

1.  Hard work brings good things, as well as being its own reward.
2.  A deep and abiding love for French cheeses.
3.  A love for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
4.  To always learn and enjoy learning and knowledge.  I remember taking AP Chemistry with Dad and how much he would enjoy discussing the principles, even after we had done the problems.
5.  How to be a good and sympathetic listener.
6.  How to understand the principles of the gospel--to focus on trying to do good things in my life and not sweating other stuff.
7.  For every problem under the sun, there is a solution or there is none; if there is one, hurry and find it, if there isn't, never mind it.
8.  To enjoy a well crafted and well-worded sentence (tho this, of course, isn't a complete one).
9.  To enjoy analysis and discussion.  To learn through those things.
10.  To have fun and help others to have fun.
11.  That service is always a good idea.
12.  To try new foods.
13.  To love club soda.
14.  To mow lawns, use tools, and be independent.
15.   To put person over task or achievement.

You are the best, wisest, handsomest, funniest, most fun, most intelligent Dad in the world.  Love you and hope you have a great day!



John said...

Happy Birtday Dad!

I like Dad because:

He is hard working.
He was a rebounder in HS B-Ball.
He has a great sense of humor.
He is well read.
He is handy.
He is generous.
He is calm.
He likes some adventure.
He give great advice.
He is a superb grandfather.
He is a good fisherman.
He is brave.
He likes to serve.
He gives good gifts.
He married well.
He is a great Dad.

Happy Birthday "Mr. Fang"!

Robert Dunlap said...

Richard you are everything a father could possibly want as a son-in-law. I love you and appreciate all you bring to our lives.

David and Jocelyn Bennion said...

I like Dad because
He loves O Brother Where Art Thou
He finds the fun in all situations
He keeps an open mind and often surprises me how in touch he is with things
He has great taste in dress clothes and knows how to pick a fine tie
He is a great problem solver and knows how to dissect a situation
He loves great books and always shared great books with us as kids
He would play 1:1 with me in high school and was a faithful traveler to road games
He stands up for the underdog
He taught us hard work and how to tale pleasure in it
He is one handsome dawg!

Love you Dad. Happy b-day!
He came to all my high

Robin Burton said...

Happy Belated Birthday Rich. You are a great example to me of kindness, loving and non judging. You work hard and love those around you even more. You make others feel wonderful and loved. I am so grateful my beautiful sister married you. Another year around the sun. Can not wait to visit after your mission. Love Aunty Robin