Sunday, November 05, 2006

Staples Executives are Crazy

Each week in staples we sell approximately 14 Shredders. Right now our executives want us to sell 14 of these a week. It isn't a bad Shredder, it's just not good enough to justify paying that price. If any of you want to see it in person go to your nearest Staples and remark on how tiny it is. Don't get me wrong it is a nice machine, but how am I to sell it to a local business. It seems that someone decided that they had to advertise it... a lot... more than any other product that we have had in staples... ever! Oh well, maybe they will learn from this since we have only sold 6 since we got it 3 weeks ago.


Linda Bennion said...

You are the best. Staple is lucky to have a loyal employee like you. I am gonna' go look at that shredder. Have a great day.


Don and Amy Bennion said...

Sounds tough--good luck with that Joe!

Don and Amy Bennion said...

OUCH!! If it was the "Shredder" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I bet they'd be going like hotcakes... tough to get the staff too excited about pushing those :). Best of luck Joe. If we needed one, I'd make sure to buy one from you WITH the plan!