Tuesday, June 24, 2008

silly question

Hi everyone,

Recently got my blood type done and I am reading this book "eat right for your blood type." I'm A+ blood type. Curious if that comes from the Dunlap side or my fathers side. Does anyone else know their blood type. Sort of interesting genetic mapping. . .


Robert Dunlap said...

I knew once, but I don't now. I will check with my doctor when I see him in a few weeks.

I love you regardless of your blood type.


Anna B said...

i think i'm AB+. good question...not sure either

Naima said...

if you are AB than that means either Linda is A or B and Richard is either A or B. As they each give you one of the letters. To be either just a or just b means one parent gave you an O or another a and b.

A0 or AA = A
B0 or BB = B
00 = 0

If you are AB, likely Linda is A and that is how I am A. B would be interesting in there as many of the type B bloods tend to be Jewish or mid Asia, Eastern Europe.

Linda Bennion said...

I am A+ and proud of it.

Linda B

Naima said...

excellent, I must have got my A+ from the Dunlaps!!

Robin Burton said...

Don't forget to let us know what the blood type means to us.

Naima said...

from the book I am reading "eat right for your type", blood type O was first seen in 50,000 bc, first blood type.

Blood type A initially appeared somewhere in Asia or the middle East between 25,000 and 15,000 BC in response to new environmental conditions. It emerged at the peak of the Neolithic period or stone age. Agriculture and animal domestication were the hallmarks of this period. With agriculture and animal domestication, created more settled peoples and communities. Type A blood seems to be more resistant to infections related to densely populated societies. Supposedly A was more resistant to the Plague, cholera and smallpox, which may be why Western Europe has a predominance of blood type A--this is where blood type A has the highest concentration.

Blood type A, supposedly has lower acidity in the stomach lining, which may be why blood type A is better for a vegetarian or less meat. With its low acidity, Blood type A doesn't digest the meat as well (compared to blood type 0 which has high acidity in the stomach and digest meat much better.) Also they find blood type A is more predisposed to high cholesterol and heart disease. The author of the book believes that much of the theory on diets suggested for high cholesterol is really diets best suited for blood type A as they tend to be more likely for this ailment and thereby studied more when scientists study remedies for cholesterol and heart disease.

This was a main reason I was interested in blood type. I recently found out I have slightly high cholesterol and I know it runs in the family and was curious if it was related to my blood type. My mom said she was unsure maybe blood type 0, and if she was 0 that means my dad was A, which seemed odd with his multicultural background. Also I asked him and he said he thought he was B, which would make him not my father. As I can't have a type "B" parent if I am type A blood. So I assumed both my parents didn't know their blood type. And type O and B would create either a O baby or a B baby.

So I was curious. But I think my mom must be A, if Linda is A.

In regards to Blood type B, it developed sometime between 10,000 and 15,000BC in the Himalayan highlands (India Pakistan). "this new blood type was soon characteristic of the great tribes of steppe dwellers who by this time dominated the Eurasian plains--herding and domesticating animals. They had a diet high in meat and cultured dairy products." The book believes blood type b digests dairy better than some of the other blood types. Blood type B seems to be pre-dominanant today in parts of Eastern Europe, Germany, Austria and Asia.

According to the book, Blood type B seems more resistant to modern severe diseases such as cancer and heart disease, but more prone to exotic immune system disorders such as MS, lupus, lou gherigs, part of this could be related to the genetic factor of these diseases that are passed down from parent to child in the genes--thereby creating a pre-dominance in one blood type group.

Blood type AB is the most rare, it is found in less than 5% of the population. It is the newest blood type. Blood type AB is rarely found in Europe prior to A.D. 900. Blood type AB is first seen 500BC. It came about with the mingling of the different races. Possibly during the Roman Empire with the increased contact of tribes through out Europe and the Mid East.

Anyway, the book is really fascinating. Very intrigued by it.