Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Happy 25th Birthday to Joe

Joe turns 25 today!
I love Joe because
he is so thoughtful of others.
he is well read.
he is a gentleman.
he is a hard worker.
he is a great brother and son.
he is THERE for his siblings - rides to airport, moving in and out of apartments, rummaging through storage units to find papers for D & A.
he is willing to learn and to change.
he has integrity and is brave enough to maintain it.
he is technologically capable and has helped many a friend with his expertise.
he is creative.
he is dependable.
he is good at not worrying too much about the latest and coolest styles or what the latest and coolest people think of him.
he loves to have fun.


Anna B said...

i love joe because:
*he is intelligent
*he is handsome
*he is super well read and is such a fast reader
*he is super fun to watch movies with and is always up for watching anything
*he has great taste in books and movies
*he is technologically incredible and is always SO SO generous and kind when I need computer help
*he will nerd out on starwars stuff with me
*he is super generous. with everything--time, talents, his stuff, his knowledge
*he is a great car buddy--easiest person to share the car with and would always make sure to get the oil changed and the tires changed
*always looks out for his sibs. took me to the airport at christmas at the crack of dawn on many occasions
*he was so fun to be with at the mtc--always slipping me a peppermint pattie (my favorite) and seeing me off at 5am.
*gives the best gifts
*thinks like me--always knows what i'll like.
*makes delicious burgers
*is so thoughtful--always thinks of and remembers others
*is my name buddy with william--anna and joe will always go together for that kid
*he is brave and stands up for what's right
*he is musical
*he is strong--physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. i was just thinking today about how tough it would have been to serve a mission in nicaragua--i admire joe so much for that.

and a million more things! i just think the world of joe and miss living in the same place. i love the time i spent at byu with joe and can't wait to be in the same city again!

happy happy happy birthday!

love you,

John said...

I love Joe because
He is a great work partner
He pulls his own weight
He is generous with his time and his things
He talks tech with me
He is a good cook/smoothie maker (i have one almost every nite)
He introduced me to blue cheese burgers (the only time i have liked blue cheese)
Joe is mentally tough - eg (Anna's example) mission to former war torn communist satellite for one example. There are many others
Joe has great taste in movies, books, and music
Joe is very thoughtful and considerate of others (his CD for the kids is still a favorite at our house)
He is very handsome
Joe likes Star Trek - and I like Star Trek
Dude wrestled in HS

Wendy and John said...

I love Joe because

he is so thoughtful and kind
he knows so many interesting things
he is so good to his niece and nephews
he is considerate of others' feelings
he loves movies and books
he is a great cook
he is brave and determined and just keeps trucking along

I love you, Joe! Happy birthday!Wendy

Naima said...

Happy Birthday Joe!

I love Joe because

He is thoughtful. He is caring. He is a good conversationalist; I always learn something after I speak with him.

He is such a good uncle to all his nieces and nephews--especially at Leggo Land! Getting them all fantastic costumes.

He has a great disposition and I always feel calm around him.

I enjoyed riding and waiting in line for the biggest roller coaster with him at Leggoland.

He has an amazing imagination and I can't wait to read his novel.

He opens me up to worlds like the convention he went to last year.

I am proud to have such a creative, intelligent, kind and sweet cousin!

Robin Burton said...

Happy Birthday Joe! I love Joe because:
He is a fabulous thinker.
He is creative.
He is lots of fun.
He can always take an interesting twist on an idea.
I too can not wait to read his novel.
I appreciate that he loves to read and see movies.
Joe is very unselfish and a great person. He cares about his family and his family cares lots about him. I hope you have a wonderful birthday week Joe. We all love you very much. Love Aunt Robin

Robert Dunlap said...

I love Joe because he is Joe with no apologies.

He is witty, knowledgeable, humorous, and delightful.

Joe thinks of things nobody else would until they hear Joe's thoughts.

Joe is so concerned with all the family and goes out of his way to make life as pleasant as possible for everyone.

Joe has demonstrated his courage and singleness of purpose on so many occasions.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Joe, I love you.


Richard Bennion said...

I like Joe because he is an energizer bunny - he keeps going and going and going.

I am proud of him walking and walking and walking and it is good to see that it is paying off.

I like Joe because he loves to give gifts and takes pleasure in seeing other's happiness.

I like Joe because he is good with children and is a great uncle to his nieces and nephews.

I like Joe because he truly wants to be good do good and that trait will pay great dividends with time.

I am proud to be his father.

Yo Papa!

Robert & Ann Bennion said...

I like Joseph because…

He is a nice brother
He is fun to play with
And I like him a lot….

Just kidding I am not going to mail this one in like I used to when I was 15.

Amongst other things he is determined
He likes to read and hear about what I am reading
He will talk to be about blown motherboards, corrupt drives, and cache rates
He always sees the good in others
He is very giving
He let me give him a hair cut…so I will throw that under very brave
And I admire him because he is one of those people willing to labor in the background, who makes something work and receives little recognition but is content in seeing something good happen and knowing he was a part.