Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Nai!


Happy Birthday Nai! We don't want to miss this chance to say all the nice things that can be said about you!
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Richard Bennion said...

I like Naima because:
She is always happy and she has a great giggle always close at hand.
She is beautiful, both on the outside and the inside.
She is generous with her time and her talents - always ready to pitch in and help and always willing for a fun adventure.
She came to San Diego (with Jeremy :) and made the party so much better by being there.
She has always been a loyal friend to our family and each of our children.
She loves to watch the stars (I remember too!)
And I have always loved seeing her and look forward to great visits in the future.
Uncle Richard

Linda Bennion said...

I love Naima because:
She is genuine.
She has lots of sophistication, but there is an innocence and sense of wonder undergirding it.
She is beautiful....always our exotically beautiful niece.
She is generous and thoughtful.
She loves family and it feels so good to be with her because I feel that she treasures moments with me and with all of her family.
She is intelligent.
She is a hard worker and does not give up.
She is fiercely loyal to her brothers and to her mom.
She is an adventurer, and explorer, and is curious without being too dangerous :)!
She is honest.
She is a good listener.
She has great style.
She does not give up asking questions until she understands.
She was the cutest little girl with a great imagination, a thirst for knowledge and an undaunted belief in her ideas and in her projects.
I love her and treasure our relationship and thank her for her desire to keep it strong.

John said...

I like Naima because:

She is so positive. Always happy when I see her.
She is always fun to talk with.
She loves our kids.
She is fun to play Barbie with.
She is brave and has a good entrepreneurial spirit.
She married very well.
She has a good sense of humor and enjoys a good laugh.

Happy Birthday Naima!

David and Jocelyn Bennion said...

We love Naima because...
she is beautiful
she married a super guy
she is so fun and sweet
she has a great laugh
she lives in the best city in the world
she is a great photographer
she is very generous
and we love her tons!
Happy Birthday Naima!

love Dave and Jocelyn

Robin Burton said...

Happy Birthday Nai,
I love Nai because:
she is my first born,
she loves to read,
she is persistant,
she has big dreams,
she is demanding of herself,
she is super curious,
she has an incredible sense of color, space and composition.
she doesnt always have to win.
she is generous and has the sweetest spirit. she loves giving little gifts of flowers and what not. she loves her family fiercely, she is a great friend that will be honest. I appreciate all the talents and beauty that make Naima. I love her very much.

Don and Amy Bennion said...

I like Naima because:

*She is very interesting to talk to--she's done and does so much that it is always fun to talk to her and see what is new
*She is sophisticated and also down to earth at the same time
*She is a good friend
*She loves her family, from her husband, to her mom, to her grandparents and cousins--it's easy know how much she loves them by how kindly she treats all of them(us!)
*She is gorgeous
*She likes to have fun
*She smiles a lot and laughs a lot

I like Nai so much and am so glad for whenever we get to spend time together!!!


Wendy and John said...

I love Naima because:

she is genuinely interested in other people
she is fun to be with
she is happy and has a great attitude about things
she likes our kids and thinks they are cute :)
she is super-sophisticated, but doesn't intimidate
she married well- we love Jeremy, too!

Happy days to you!


Anna B said...

I hope I'm not too late because Naima is so fantastic! I love Naima because:

N--Nicest-Nai makes me feel good. It's like Wendy said--she's so accomplished, and the way she treats me makes me feel more accomplished.

A--Amazing style. From the beginning of time. I remember being at a Dunlap Family Reunion--one of our first--and designing houses from magazines with Nai. Her's were always so cool

I--Intelligent and interested in issues. Nai is always learning new things. I've loved hearing about the films that she and Jeremy have been researching.

M--Makes time for the family. She is so loving and loyal.

A--Always interested in other people. I love to chat with Naima because she's always wants to hear about what's going on in my life.

I love you and hope to see you before too long!


Robert Dunlap said...

I love Naima, our first grandchild.

She is beautiful, inquiring, thoughtful, intellectual, brave, loving, sweet, charming and has all the wonderful attributes that we love about her.

Happy Birthday Nai, you're super and always have been.


Don and Amy Bennion said...

I love Nai because:
-she is a great conversationalist and always has interesting things to say
-she married really well
-she has great taste and always looks amazing
-she loves family as much as family loves her
-she made my day (year?) by meeting up with me in NY and chatting for a few hours
-she makes time to make a very long trek whenever the family gets together which shows a lot of love and commitment.

We love you Nai and look forward to the next time we get to see each other.

