Thursday, March 06, 2008

American Idol Update

I thought the right people left the show tonight. Each one who left was one who I would have picked.

Also, breaking news on Brooke White. She used to have the most incredible babysitter who taught her to play the guitar and sing. Word is that if Brooke wins she is going to give 35% of her record contract to her old babysitter. Who is this incredible child care professional? Wendy Taylor (now Wendy Bennion). Only the part about her giving Wendy the money was not true. Pretty cool, eh?


John said...

OK. Wendy didn't teach her to play the guitar or sing either. But she may have sang to her once or twice. And she was nice to Brooke.

Don and Amy Bennion said...

That is amazing. I was doubting you for a bit but I now think that I believe you... very cool Wendy! I agree that either her proceeds as a child care professional (she is a nanny) or as a musician (whichever is greater) should go to her mentor on both counts. Just my thought.


Robin Burton said...

I am so glad all the singers will be on one night. I am happy with the top 12 and I am sure David is the new "idol"

Linda Bennion said...

Well, now I really AM glad John married Wendy...

I too agree that the right 12 are left...although I think, Asiah was good...I liked her voice....she needed a stylist to help with the look(listen to the woman who wore her fuschia/black and teal robe to take the kids to school). I like Luke Menard, but if anyone had to go on the guys' side, I think it was him...thank you America for taking Danny off. I felt for the guy, but think he needs help that AI cannot give.

So I can't help myself. I like this show and I am a big fan of the guys....David A has my heart. I am a fan. I have not called for him yet. May be forced to if things get too close. I have to say that David Cook's "Hello" was da bomb last week. The guy is good and I like him. Hopefully, someone will be able to talk him our of his hairdo. I also like Chikeze...good kid, but I think he is next unless he pulls something amazing out next week.

Thought Brooke was great on Wednesday. I like her voice and her genre of music...and now with Wendy thrown into the mix, I may even have to get on the phone for her!

Anna B said...

No way!! That is so cool, Wendy. She should at least fly you and John down for one of the shows. I love David A as well and I also thought David Cook's Hello was phenomenal. I'm sad about Asiah--I thought her Whitney wasn't bad although her Celine was terrible. However, I think she's better than the country girl. And I think this season is going to be down to two boys just because the boys seem to be better and more exciting this season.

Robin Burton said...

Linda, you are "da bomb", dog! You make me laugh and I love that about you. It would be such fun to watch the show together. Wendy is going to raise some amazing kids right? look at Brooke.

Linda Bennion said...

Hey, I keep thinking...why do they keep Paula on the show. She makes the most bizarre comments. So know what I mean? I thought it was so funny at the end of the show the other night when Ryan asked for Paula's summation of the night and she was totally tangential (and that is being kind) and then he asked Simon and he said, "How can I follow such wisdom?" and then rolled his eyes. I guess they keep Paula so Simon can make those comments!

Saw Jewel and some others take the judges seat on other seasons of AI and liked what they had to say...they weren't brutal like Simon can sometimes be...they were frank and were quiet specific in their critiques... Oh, who cares???

Se you all on Wednesday for more in depth analysis.

Linda Bennion said...

Hey, I keep thinking...why do they keep Paula on the show. She makes the most bizarre comments. So know what I mean? I thought it was so funny at the end of the show the other night when Ryan asked for Paula's summation of the night and she was totally tangential (and that is being kind) and then he asked Simon and he said, "How can I follow such wisdom?" and then rolled his eyes. I guess they keep Paula so Simon can make those comments!

Saw Jewel and some others take the judges seat on other seasons of AI and liked what they had to say...they weren't brutal like Simon can sometimes be...they were frank and were quiet specific in their critiques... Oh, who cares???

Se you all on Wednesday for more in depth analysis.