After three adorable boys, a girl was born and that pink sweater I had bought at a Church bazaar finally had a rightful owner. On April 9, 1981, Anna Katharine Bennion was born in San Franciso's Children's Hospital - the princess of the Bennion household.... the Queen of all of our hearts! Happy Birthday, Anna!
I love Anna because
She is kind.
She is interesting.
She loves to learn.
She is happy.
She is low maintenance.
She is very bright.
She is brave - takes on challenges that are daunting and makes her way bravely through each one.
She has impressive integrity.
She is a great traveling companion - Dad and I have loved being with Anna in Ireland and London.
She is beautiful (I don't love her for this - I just state it as fact :)!
She is the best sister and auntie - she genuinely LOVES us all!
She is well read and has a great analytical mind.
She is positive and looks at the bright side of life.
She is a participant....she is always game for anything the family is going to do.
She is a fun person with whom to play games - not a sore loser, but a sincere combatant.
She is the dearest friend and this is a priceless treasure for me.
She is wise.
She is a movie-o-phile and a great one with whom to discuss a movie.
She speaks 3 languages - English, Spanish and Welsh!
She loves her hertitage!
She is a very impressive young woman.
I love her, admire her and love every moment I am with her or have her voice on the other end of the phone!