Thursday, April 09, 2009

Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy - It's a Girl

After three adorable boys, a girl was born and that pink sweater I had bought at a Church bazaar finally had a rightful owner. On April 9, 1981, Anna Katharine Bennion was born in San Franciso's Children's Hospital - the princess of the Bennion household.... the Queen of all of our hearts! Happy Birthday, Anna!

I love Anna because
She is kind.
She is interesting.
She loves to learn.
She is happy.
She is low maintenance.
She is very bright.
She is brave - takes on challenges that are daunting and makes her way bravely through each one.
She has impressive integrity.
She is a great traveling companion - Dad and I have loved being with Anna in Ireland and London.
She is beautiful (I don't love her for this - I just state it as fact :)!
She is the best sister and auntie - she genuinely LOVES us all!
She is well read and has a great analytical mind.
She is positive and looks at the bright side of life.
She is a participant....she is always game for anything the family is going to do.
She is a fun person with whom to play games - not a sore loser, but a sincere combatant.
She is the dearest friend and this is a priceless treasure for me.
She is wise.
She is a movie-o-phile and a great one with whom to discuss a movie.
She speaks 3 languages - English, Spanish and Welsh!
She loves her hertitage!
She is a very impressive young woman.
I love her, admire her and love every moment I am with her or have her voice on the other end of the phone!


Wendy and John said...

I love Anna because:

-she is happy
-she keeps the blog going through
-she is so much fun to be with
-she is a loyal friend- true blue through and through
-she is s.m.a.r.t.
-she loves movies and books and I love discussing them with her
-she pursues her goals
-she has a great birthday- I went into labor with Nathan at Anna's 19th birthday party at BYU, so I always associate Anna's birthday with a very happy memory
-she loves her family and thinks her nieces and nephews are just as cute as their parents think they are :)

Love you, Anna!

John said...

I love Anna because:

She is upbeat and happy!
She loves her family and treats us so well-always thrilled to see us.
She has generously sacrificed her bed for years for visitors. Thank You!
She is smart and fun to talk with about issues.
She appreciates both great literature and the less classic but more popular kind as well.
She is a great sister.
She is fun to watch X-Files episodes with.
She has a good wit that is sharp but doesn't use it to cut.
She loves a fun flick.
She has great taste in movies.
She inspired me to read Jane Eyre.
She appreciates Dracula stories.
She loves and has met two great movie voices - Colonel Brandon and The Scarlet Pimpernel.
She is a fun hiking companion.
She is the first sibling I remember visiting in the hospital - a very fun memory for me.

Happy Birthday Anna! Can't wait to see you.

Don and Amy Bennion said...

I love Anna because:

-She is one of the funnest people I know to talk to.
-She is so well read and makes me want to read more and better books.
-She is easy going and so easy to get along with.
-We really miss living by her and Joe and playing cards and watching idols and movies.
-She has great taste in movies
-She is the BEST babysitter. Anyone who can handle 2 weeks deserves a medal.
-She is so good to EVERYONE.
-She is smart and a great conversationalist. So interesting to talk to.

We really love and miss you!


Robert Dunlap said...

I love Anna because she is so lovable. She is truly interested in each individual and demonstrates it each and every time you are with her.

I love Anna because she is willing to sacrifice in order to achieve her ambitions and goals.

It is always fun to listen to Anna's opinions and impressions of events, books, movies, TV shows and many other topics some of which are introduced to me for the first time.

I remember Anna's visit to Hawaii. She so enjoyed all poeple and attractions that we introduced to her.

What a wonderfully happy, lovely, interesting, self-confident woman.

Happy Birthday Anna, I love you so.


Grandma says she agrees with everything I wrote.

David and Jocelyn Bennion said...

I love Anna because...
She is really so fun to talk with
She is very smart and a good thinker
She is a talented writer and teacher
I remember visiting the english class anna taught and i was very proud to be her brother
She is very laid back
She laughs at my jokes and loves my singing
She is always kind
She is fun to ski with
She is my favorite blood sister and i love her very much



Robin Burton said...

Happy Birthday Anna,
I thought I posted yesterday, but I guess not!! I love Anna because: she and Naima have the same middle name. I love Anna because I was able to spend the first year of her life playing Auntie with her. Anna you are just wonderful, I love that you enjoy books and love to read aloud. You are a great companion because you have a sunny positive disposition. You are so kind, and thoughtful. happy birthday. See you in May!!

Joe said...

I like Anna because,

She is my bestest buddy
She is my bestest Sister
She likes Star Wars
She is my bestest movie buddy
She is a wonderful friend
She likes American Idol
She has a wonderful sense of humor
She is great at advice
She is a wonderful person
and I like her a lot.


Richard Bennion said...

I love Anna because:
She is the epitome of a great daughter.
She is happy, happy, happy.
She always looks for the good.
She has an excellent mind and is fun to share ideas with. (Sorry about ending that sentence with a preposition :(
She has become an excellent writer.
She is always ready to help out, pitch in, or just listen up.
She is truly interested in others.
I am glad we have such a spectacular daughter!!!