Saturday, October 11, 2008

happy birthday, john!

I like John because:

*he makes things fun--games, chats, movies, outings--anything is more fun with John.
*he has great taste, combined with great analytical skills--I love hearing John's opinions on things. He's right on the money.
*he is excited and exciting--a new coat, a new bike, cd or whatever is always fun to hear about from John.
*he is handsome and rocks the red hair
*he is always interested in other people's lives. he's great at listening and giving feedback and engaging in whatever comes up.
*he is fun and loving dad and husband
*he is a great blogger
*he's a great conversationalist. he'll always ask what he wants to know and i love that and try to follow his example.
*he is a great oldest brother--great and getting the family together and staying in contact.
*he is innovative and energetic--everybody who has worked with john is so lucky, from his mission comps to byusa to intel.
*he is social
*he is a great example of gospel living

and i love him a lot! have the best day!



Joe said...

I like John Because:

He is extremely fun to watch movies with
He has a facinating job and an interesting place
He has red hair(how did that happen)
He has cool kids
He still likes video games
He loves to talk
He's an amazing worker
He is the topic of many a great memory growing up
He is the Eldest and test subject for Mom and Dad's parenting skills
And I love him a lot


Linda Bennion said...

I love John because:
*He is forgiving - and that is a key ingredient for the oldest child.
*He is happy and optimistic
*He is bright and interesting
*He is an impressive leader
*He is a hard worker at home and at his career
*He is a great father
*He loves me and Dad and we feel it and it gives us much satisfaction.
*He looks for the good in people.
*He readily admits his faults and is willing to work on them.
*He looks younger today than he did a year ago because he made a plan to be more fit and he has stuck with it.
*He loves his siblings and they know it.
*He is the heart of the family - he has his finger on the pulse of all of our lives.
*He made Dad and me so proud at Wood Badge. He is a smart and capable man. That was one of my favorite parts of that experience.
*John loves to laugh and he shares his funny moments with me.
*John is witty.
*He loves a well-turned phrase.
*He likes to think and debate and is willing to slog through it in order to flesh out his thinking on tough topics.
*He loves his family and finds them the joy of his life.
*He is tenderhearted.
*He is handsome, but it is his love of life and others and his confidence in himself that makes him so attractive!
*He is my first born and has been the dearest friend for 33 years!
Dad and I are so lucky to have John. You make us proud! We admire you and love you.

David and Jocelyn Bennion said...

I love John because...
He is so fun to chat with. He shares his feelings but is willing to listen to opposite points of view and take them into consideration.
He is great at staying in touch.
He is fun to talk business with.
He is a confident guy and comfortable with himself.
He is fun to be with and he does make things more fun, i.e. shooting random people with the water cannons at legoland.
John is a determined guy, when he sets his mind to achieve a goal, he goes for it.
I loved running with John at balboa.
He is smart and wise and fun to chat with about whatever topic.
He is a great older brother and a great dad. I love chatting with john about his family because you can just tell he loves each one of them a ton.
He is a great all around guy.

Love you John!

Richard Bennion said...

I like John because he is a great oldest son and blazed a trail for his siblings to follow and he cut a wide swath while he was at it.

I like John because he has a great sense of humor. He likes to laugh and loves to share a laugh.

I like John because he married so well and loves his children and is a great father and husband.

I like John because he has an excellent mind and he works hard and rides hard :)

I like John because he is fun to be with, and I consider him a great friend as well as a great son.


Don and Amy Bennion said...

I like John because:

He is a natural leader.
He is very well informed and has well though out opinions that I trust.
He has a very funny sense of humor
He has great taste in clothes, movies and music
He married a great person
He is a good Dad
He stuck to a diet which is really impressive to me.
He's good looking and I like him a lot.
