Friday, October 24, 2008


Next from the Bookworm's anonymous corner (BAC) is another fantasy novel. The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson (The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages). It is tough to find a book that sucks you into the story and makes you want to turn the next page, but Sanderson has that rare gift of story telling that makes reading worthwhile. The Characters are engaging, the magic is fascinating, and the story is a surprise throughout.

Now I have not actually finished the Series (The Hero of ages came out a mere week and a half ago, and I cannot put my hands on a copy cheaper than $30.00 in Wenatchee), but I am sure that it will be a good read and a good finish to our reading relationship.


Interesting Note: This year Robert Jordan (writer of the Wheel of Time books (There are 12))(He has not yet finished the series though he has all of it planned out meticulously with notes) died, and left a legacy of good fiction unfinished, and in searching for an author to finish her husband's work, Harriet Popham Rigney asked Brandon Sanderson to finish off Robert Jordan's final novel. Quite an honor, and at least the Series will be finished.


Linda Bennion said...

I am not a fantasy buff, but I have great confidence in your recommendations. You are one of the most well read people I know.

Anna B said...

This really look interesting--I think we've chatted about them before. Pretty cool for Brandon Sanderson to be finishing up the Wheel of Time. Hope he does a good job.

Wendy and John said...

That's awesome. I love a good book recommendation. Thanks, Joe!
