Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some of the boys and Will's cut

Burke and Will had a great time "riding the horses" at Tivoli. Burke was especially thrilled as soon as the horse started going up and down.

Will usually asks if he can go in to Burke to wake him up from nap time so we generally let him go in and play for a bit before we get Burke up. They are best friends and play together so well.
We had a great dinner with our neighbors last night. In traditional Danish fashion we had too much to eat and stayed way too late talking. After about 7:00 pm our kids' coordination starts to go downhill. Mixing a night out at 11:00 pm with some serious dessert (soda, chocolates, ice cream, cake, suckers and popcorn) was evidently a recipe for disaster.

Will was running around with the other kids and fell hard and hit his head on the coffee table. There was a lot of blood and a lot of tears, a trip to the ER, super glue and now William has a cool scar and some bragging rights at Nursery. Although, as you can see from the picture above, the scar does little to toughen up Will's sweet face.
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Anna B said...

awwwww! sad :( i love the picture of the boys in the crib with all the toys. they are so adorable!! also, i'm sure the boys on the merry-go-round was the cutest thing ever.

Linda Bennion said...

Love the pictures...Will with his arm around Burke....too cute.

So sorry that Will got the gash. I bet Burke's fascination and sympathy for owies went through the roof on this one.

Love you so much.

Wendy and John said...

SO cute! They are starting to look really grown-up. (Just in time, I guess:) )

Any baby happenings? We are checking the blog all the time for the big news!
