Monday, July 16, 2007

Movie Snacks

When I go to the theater I generally like to bring along treats. My favorite treat to have at a movie is a box of Jujyfruits.
The reasons are as follows.

1. They last a long time and thus generally last all the way through the trailers
2. They are a fruity candy
3. if the movies is boring you can use the movie to find out what kind of Jujyfruit you are eating, and thus avoid the dreaded black ones.
4. They come in a shareable size.

Close favorites
Milk Duds, "everlasting" Gobstoppers (also Chewy), Junior Caramels.

Discontinued Favorites
Heath Bites (I cannot find them anymore), Dweebs

What are your favorites?



John said...

Red Vines + Mike and Ike's = Crazy Delicious

John said...

Regular Flavor Mike and Ikes that is.

John said...

A close second is a full Chicken Caesar Salad dinner from the Coyote restaurant in Folsom. Jordan Wright introduced us to the boldness of bringing in food when he brought in a grocery sack full of dinner to Batman Begins. What a dinner!

As a word in favor of Portland, we have a local chain, McMenamins, where you can get dinner while you watch a movie. Not to shabby to have a BLT during a flick.

Don and Amy Bennion said...

We've got a place like that in SLC as well... but a bit different. It's called Brewvies... we haven't tried it yet. :)

I love Jujyfruits and Dots as well.


Don and Amy Bennion said...

Buttered popcorn and a soda is pretty dang good, if you ask me...

Linda Bennion said...

Boy the apples do not fall far from the tree....I love jujyfruits as well and Joe has articulated all of my reasons. My favorite moment was when I was sneaking in cans of pop under my arms under my coat into the Columbia. Unfortunately, the cashier needed fifty cents more and as I tried to get the quarters and hold my armpits tightly around the cans of root beer, I failed and they fell to the ground and rolled right up to the toe of the shoe of the woman taking tickets. I thought the kids were going to choke. It was darn funny! MOM

Anna B said...

I love all the treats that Joe loves. Plus redvines. The big kind. Plus diet coke.