Thursday, July 12, 2007


I just went to see Harry Potter 5, and I'm BLOWN AWAY by what a great movie it is. The other HP movies are fun because they are HP. This is fun because it's a great film. WOW WOW WOW!!! Let me know when you see it, because I'm dying to talk about it. I want to call each of you right now, but I have no phone card, and it's too late to go get one tonight. Great adaptation, great filming, great acting, great use of film. WOOHOO!!! It was a smart, smart film. For the first time a Harry Potter movie got it right!!


Don and Amy Bennion said...

Going to see it on Saturday! Can't wait!

Anna B said...

I still can't get over it! So good!

John said...

Wendy and I saw it on Wednesday night. We both loved it. Wendy thought it was the best, and I think it is 2nd best (after Azkaban).

I think this one was good as a stand alone movie (the director and writers took a ton of liberties). I have decided two things - 1) I like adaptations better if I decide to not connect them to a book. 2) I am not going to read the next HP until after I see the last movie.

HP 5 is my favorite book, and what I felt made it great was its emotion rather than the action. That said, I love the fight in the ministry. But... the dialogue in Dumbledore's office when he disappears, the writing of the confrontation between Dumbledore and Voldemort, and the final dialog between Harry and Dumbledore are so great in the book, and were totally abridged in the film. Also, the trial is so good in the book, and is necessarily short in the film.

Finally, while I do like many films that are adapted from books, I definitely prefer the ones where I see the movie first (HP 1-3), Mockingbird, Sense, Pride, Emma, Rainmaker etc. The other side is also true: all Chrictons, Grishams, Clancys, HP 4 and 5, etc were disappointments.

This is why I am going to wait on reading HP 7.

Joe said...

I'm too nervous that someone might tell me the ending before the movie, so I am definitely reading the book.

I feel somewhat similarly that they had to take so many liberties to make it fit into a 2 hour movie, but that is an old gripe. I felt this movie was a little more of an artwork because of how they filmed it with all of the occlumency, dreams etc. But I really liked it, not the best Harry Potter movie in my book, I like HP4 better but still I liked it.

Anna B said...

I thought that the liberties they took really worked--although I agree w/ John about the Dumbledore Harry Potter dialogue at the end. I like it when film does something with the story that prose cannot. Anyhow, good times! Also, the movie made me more anxious to read the book--I can't wait to see what happens. I preordered mine!

Joe said...

I am so waiting in line Friday Midnight!

Don and Amy Bennion said...

I also really liked the movie. No comparison to how much I liked to book but I thought that it was good. I had a similar gripe to John's. Some of my favorite parts were not done as well as I would have liked in the movie... esp the final conversation between Dumbledore and Harry. I also agree with Joe that this is an old gripe for movie adaptations. I think that the main reason that I didn't like this one as much as I could have is because I really don't like the current Dumbledore and therefore struggled with his scenes.

I could never wait to read #7 to save the probably mediocre movie that will be made in 3-4 years. There is no doubt that the ending will have been spoiled a million times by then. I will therefore be waiting at home for Joe to come by and drop the book off sometime after midnight. (We love Joe B!) Amy and I are pumped!

No spoilers until all who will read it within the next few weeks have read it. (C'mon John!)


John said...

Leave me alone!

Linda Bennion said...

I loved the movie. I agree with everyone about Dumbledore, but I liked him better this time than last...I suspect it was because I hated Umbridge so thoroughly - that actress was BORN to be Umbridge! I felt the final scene with Harry and Dumbledore was lacking as well...the one in the book is so tender and was such an important part after Harry had endured so much sorrow because Dumbledore had avoided him so completely! Despite a few very minor flaws, I loved the movie. I thought the occulemency scenes were very good as well. I thought it interesting and (defensible) when they had Harry get into Snape's head with occulemency even though it was the pensieve in the book....My big issue is whether Harry has what it takes to defeat a wizard with the skills of Voldemort. That scene in the ministry when Dumbledore and Voldemort are going at it makes Harry's skills look a little weak...but I see that JK is not going to use his skills to defeat Voldemort, but his ability to love. Cannot wait to see what is the final outcome with far the most interesting character for the finale. I thought the scene where Snape doesn't give Umbridge the veritas potion was meant to make us continue to wonder what side Snape is on. Anyway, I love the HP series. JK Rowling is one of the best writers out there....great prose, great characters, great complexity, enough sweetener - good stuff.


John said...

I can't wait for Harry to dump Ginny and realize that he is in love with Hermione.

Anna B said...

I also thought Dumbledore was way way better this time. And, going with mom, I thought they did a good job playing up the fact that Harry's love for others is what makes him strong.

Robin Burton said...

I guess I need to read these books, all my favorite people are really enjoying them. Library here I come!