Sunday, July 22, 2007

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

For a computer there are few things that can be more catastrophic than a sudden loss of power. Power loss can cause damage to hardware on your computer which can cause loss or corruption of information stored on the computer or even total system failure (death) to the computer. The easiest way to combat sudden power loss is to invest in an Uninterruptible Power Supply (otherwise known as a UPS or Battery Backup). UPSs store power so that when a power outage occurs a computer can have power to safely shut down. Most UPSs come with a USB connection to the computer and can supply information to your computer and even tell your computer to shut down at a predetermined time (mine will shut off automatically when there are only 4 minutes of power left in the batteries). UPSs also guard against power spikes or undervoltages which can damage computer components also. Overall UPSs are an easy way to insure the safety of your computer.

(Prices range from $50-$1000. I recomend not spending more than $50 for single home computer's protection. Workgroups need a bigger UPS)(The one Displayed is on sale at Staples this week for $50)


Joe said... is where I will be putting the rest of my comments for Technology, so go ahead and visit and ask questions

Anna B said...

I like it when you post them here too. I'll have to come check out your new blog.

A UPS looks pretty cool btw. Thanks for the tip!

John said...

how long does the power output last?

Don and Amy Bennion said...

There is a new link to Joe's Blog on the side.

Thanks Joe!!!


Joe said...

Mine lasts only 10 minutes with my computer but it automatically shuts it down so I don't go through any problems.