Wednesday, July 11, 2007

We had a birthday party for Will last month at our clubhouse pool and picnic area. The Dahmers, Rowberrys, Anna, Joe and Elizabeth all came. It was William's first time eating chocolate ice cream. He'd been asking for chocolate ice cream for the last couple of months, so I think he was thrilled. You can see he more drinks than eats the ice cream cone.

Anna got hima Mr. Potato Head, and William put his glasses on and kept them on for about 5 minutes, just walking around, looking at things. It looked so funny.
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Anna B said...

Thanks for the pictures!! What beautiful boys! I love that Burke has fangs.

Linda Bennion said...

The Mr. Potato Head is hilarious! Oh, I so understand why grandparents want to live clost to their children and grandchildren. These little children just do me in....the picture of William on the deck of the pool, sitting with his lets straight out is so cute. It is also a lesson in the difference between old and new bodies. I could no more sit like that for more than 15 seconds than I could do a back flip from a standing position.